Well its been a lazy couple of weeks, the Dark Eldar have hit the shelves (of which my easily distracted attentions purchased some of), luckily I've managed to put the dark eldar aside and left for a later date.
The Space Sharks are currently in stasis due to IA: Badab part 2 not being here, still need to see how Forgeworld are going to structure them. I also grew very disenfranchised with sniper scouts, due to them being relatively restrictive modelling and conversion wise, and I had no good ideas on how to 'shark' them up unlike the regular scouts, who are sitting at one completed squad of 6.
Been doing a few press moulds for the smaller marine/scout pouches, so my chaps can look well supplied for lengthy field missions/campaigns.
On the Fantasy front with the Rusting Legion, I've finally got around to painting up a test guy, still needs all his details and cloak doing, but was more a test for rust/weathering/tarnish on the armour. I'm probably going to go with the oh so predictable snow bases for the warriors, mostly because I felt uninspired towards any others.
The Cloak colouring is leaving me with several choices, first is to go for a worn green cloak, to tie them into nurgle a little more, but without them being outright nurgle, or the other idea I had was to paint the cloak like flesh, as if they've just skinned some foul beast and worn it as a mantle, or the cloak is being corrupted by chaos touch, and becoming a part of the warrior much like the armour does over time. Was thinking a more bruised/diseased look for the flesh, and tested it out on a junk models arm, wasn't too bad, but not sure it'll work on the larger flats areas of the cloak, so testing shall be done.
Used both Jokers in the Tale of......., so really need to get my backside in gear and get some of these guys completed, luckily warriors are expensive points wise, so catching up the lost points, will be easier, as most of my units are 25 strong :D, not to mention the hoofed horde of Knights and Marauder Horsemen at my finger tip.
Anyway enough rambling a couple of pictures.
Current Mood: Jubilant
Current Music: Thou, Tenth Circle and Cradle of Filth.